Welcome to Perspectives: A Helicopter Resale History® compiling over thirty years’ worth of The Official Helicopter Blue Book® pricing data. The Official Helicopter Blue Book® historical pricing is from 1979 to present. Each data point combines all helicopter model years to show the helicopter models’ mean resale prices for the first calendar quarter of each year. No adjustments have been made to the values for inflation: All values are given in US dollars.
The value charts are the heart of blue book Persepctives page. The graphs show the resale value ranges for the {model} as of the first calendar quarter of each year from 1979 to the present, as applicable. To keep the charts readable, each point represents the mean for the first calendar quarter of each year, regardless of the helicopter’s year of manufacture. Compared to the components’ service-life used, the age of the aircraft has little impact on its value. The values given do not include variables such as shipping or storage costs, maintenance or insurance, taxes or duties. No adjustments have been made for inflation: 1979 values are given in 1979 dollars, 1989 values in 1989 dollars, and so on through the present. All values are given in US dollars and are net retail prices.
The 3 lines represent the Low Time value, Mid Time value and High Time value as indicated in the key. A Low Time helicopter has roughly less than 20% time used, Mid Time is 50% and High Time is 20% or less remaining time on the {model} major components.
Price spreads shown are based on the realities of then-current market scenarios. There are two major facts which become apparent: First, the helicopters have very extended economic and mechanical useful lives, and second, even in depressed economic times helicopters can resell for strong prices.
"Wholesale” values are not applicable to the helicopter market for two reasons: First, most new helicopters are sold by the manufacturers through their own sales representatives. As a result, there are few independent distributors to affect price variations. Second is the fact that, unlike used cars or used fixed-wing aircraft, there are few occasions where any quantity of helicopters have been bought, stored, and resold on a purely speculative basis. Since there are no dealer-to-dealer “wholesale” trades regularly made which fix reduced amounts to the resale prices, and no “dealer” network, a pricing structure does not exist for traceable “wholesale” values.
Our Blue Book index provides available data for the {model}. Click this link to the helicopter blue book index, https://www.helivalues.com/bb/index
Purchase a bluebook subscription to view the {model} perspectives by clicking on this link, https://www.helivalues.com/subscriptions
Before purchasing, you can view helicopter sample pages of The Official Helicopter Blue Book® by clicking on this link, https://www.helivalues.com/bb/sample
If you need an accurate current fair market value, orderly liquidation value or net orderly liquidation value signed by an ASA accredited senior appraiser, request a desktop appraisal today, https://www.helivalues.com/appraisal-requests