+1 847-487-8258

HeliValue$, Inc., Change of Ownership Announcement

HeliValue$, Inc., Change of Ownership Announcement


Dear Valued Clients and Colleagues,


As of January 1, 2023, HeliValue$, Inc., is under new ownership by our President, Jason Kmiecik. Jason joined HeliValue$ in 2008 following his United States Marine Corps career. Jason has been the President of HeliValue$ since 2017 and holds accreditations in both Machinery and Technical Specialties, as well as Aircraft.


All existing contracts and programs will remain in place, and business will continue as usual. The Official Helicopter Blue Book® is now a completely online resource that covers the specifications, manufacturer pricing, current and historical resale values, and hourly maintenance costs for over 200 civilian and restricted helicopter models. Today, HeliValue$ is still the only helicopter-dedicated appraisal firm in the world and performs an average of 2,500 helicopter appraisals annually.


HeliValue$ continues to expand its staff and technology, keeping a close eye on the future and its constantly fluctuating markets to continue to provide the most accurate and dependable Blue Book resale values and appraisals to operators, lessors, and financial institutions worldwide.


We look forward to continuing to serve you as your helicopter and parts valuation specialists.



Airbus Helicopters 2025 Energy, Investors and Appraisers Symposium February 12 and 13, 2025 in Rio De Janeiro Brazil

VERTICON DALLAS 2025-Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center March 11-13, Dallas, Texas

NAFA - April 8-10, 2025 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


NBAA - October 14-16, 2025 Las Vegas, Nevada

ASA International Conference - October 19-21, 2025 -Puerto Rico Resort

HAC 30th Annual Conference and Trade Show - November 4-6, 2025 Abbotsford Tradex

European Rotors conference - November 17-20, 2025 (Exhibits Open 18–20 November) Cologne, Germany


See Upcoming Events tab (home page) for more detail.



4Q 2021 Blue Book Updates

Fourth Quarter Updates to

The Official Helicopter Blue Book® 


HeliValue$, Inc. has recently reviewed pricing in

The Official Helicopter Blue Book®

Resale pricing adjustments were made for the following helicopter models.





AS350B2 Astar

AS350B3 Astar

AS350B3e Astar (H125)

AS355N TwinStar



EC135P3 (H135)

EC135T3 (H135)

EC145T1 (BK-117C2)

EC145e (BK-117C2e)

EC155B1 (H155)




206BIII JetRanger III

206L-1 LongRanger II

206L-3 LongRanger III

206L-4 LongRanger IV






430 w/skids

505 JetRanger X



900/902 Explorer










R44 Raven II / Clipper II

R66 Turbine






























Pricing change 1989-2015

Pricing change 1979-2012

Pricing change 2011-2020

Pricing change 1991-2006

Pricing change 1998-2016

Pricing change 1998-2016

Pricing page established 2014-2021

Pricing page established 2014-2021

Pricing change 2000-2018

Pricing change 2015-2020

Pricing change 2007-2015



Pricing change 1968-1980

Pricing change 1977-2009

Pricing change/L1+ conversion

Pricing change 1982-1992

Pricing change 1992-2017

Pricing change 1996-2014

Pricing change 2011-2014

Pricing change 2017-2021

Pricing change 1994-2015

Pricing change 1996-2008

Pricing change 1996-2008

Pricing change 2015-2021



Pricing change 1994-2013



Pricing change 1989-1996

Pricing change 1997-2015

Pricing change 2005-2011

Pricing page established 2015-2017

Pricing page established 2014-2017



Pricing change 2002-2021

Pricing change 2010-2021



Pricing change 2005-2011





Resale pricing adjustments are based on actual sales transactions and current market conditions such as overall trends in asking prices, increase or decrease in supply, demand, and sales volume. We obtain sales pricing data from owners and operators, lenders and lessors, brokers and equipment manufacturers worldwide.

While we do review all models each quarter, frequently traded models are updated as soon as they begin to show variation from the previously published values. Stay up to date on resale pricing changes by purchasing an annual subscription. 


4Q Market Overview
It appears that we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Supply is on a steady decline over the past quarter with much anticipation that it will continue on the same track for 2022. Overall we are starting to see a turnaround in the market that we have not seen in some years. Every manufacturer of helicopters has had inventory levels decrease, some more than others.
The average time on market for the Piston sales is currently 9 months, while the average time on the market for the Turbine sales is currently 15 months. With both markets, the average age of the aircraft transacting is between 2003 and 2005 vintages. Because of the increasing transactions taking place, the nicer aircraft are disappearing, thus driving the values up on them since there are fewer desirable aircraft to be found. We are still seeing our fair share of distressed sales, but these are mainly due to the fact that they have been on the market for years now and are not in a flyable condition.
This quarter we are raising the values on 14 models and lowering the values on 12 models, and 3 models have mixed pricing drops and increases depending on their age. All movements are due to recent trading activity. The Corporate / VIP markets seems to be the winner of the most traded aircraft this past quarter with EMS and Utility following. Offshore is still trailing behind with resales but we are starting to see an increase in new aircraft purchases taking place again.
In other news, after 64 years of producing aircraft, Enstrom Helicopters has filed for chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy and has stopped all product support after closing its doors on January 21, 2022. 
We are currently still in the process of updating all 2022 configuration pricing and will have it live over the next few weeks.     

If by chance you are a helicopter owner or operator and are seeing something other than what we are publishing, please give me a call at 1-847-487-8258 or send me an email at [email protected] and I will be happy to discuss the market with you. If you have any sales you would like us to know about, I would also be happy to discuss them with you. Without your willingness to share information, we wouldn’t be here to keep the industry informed and up to date.

Subscribe NOW

4th Quarter HeliValue$, Inc Pricing Meeting Update

We recently concluded the 4th quarter pricing meeting.  Resale values are heading in the right direction, upward for the most part.  Please click on the  "Blue Book Updates" tab on the website homepage to view changes.



Our Office will be closed for the holidays, December 22 thru January 1, 2024

We will be back in the office on January 2, 2024.


Happy Holidays!!!    May the New Year bring you happiness peace and prosperity.


HeliValue$, Inc., is proud to reveal the election of its Chairman, Sharon Desfor, to the College of Fellows of the American Society of Appraisers.

The ASA College of Fellows is comprised of Accredited Senior Appraisers who have been recognized by their peers for their contributions to ASA and the appraisal profession. These members are conferred the designation of Fellow (FASA) - the highest honor ASA bestows. ASA’s International President, David Crick, told her, “Your commitment to excellence in your practice and in every task you have undertaken on behalf of the Society has contributed to the advancement of the valuation profession in the minds of those who use, practice and regulate appraisal services.”

Sharon reacted to the honor with a (slightly immodest) amount of pride, but also quite a lot of wonder. “I’m not really sure what I did to earn such a tribute. I’ll just have to do my best to continue to deserve it.”

Sharon previously served ASA as a past president and on many committees. She also spent a decade or so on committees for the Helicopter Association International, and on the Board of the Helicopter Foundation International.

HeliValue$, Inc., is the world’s most trusted helicopter appraisal firm, and publisher of The Official Helicopter Blue Book®, the accepted standard for helicopter resale pricing information.


For further information, contact HeliValue$’ Chairman, Sharon Desfor, at [email protected].